Friday, October 3, 2008


Again America, what do you want? What do you expect? For YEARS, our politicians have told us what to expect from a politician. A politician needs to be stately, knowledgeable and privileged. A politician knows many things, most all of which are far too complicated for you to understand.

Joe Biden came across as who he is: a career politician, the consummate Washington insider. He knows things, don't worry about the details, your head will hurt.

Sarah Palin came across as who she is: a Washington outsider, a political rookie who crammed for this debate. She could only stammer through a couple of facts that seemed to be anticipated by the Biden team and were easily refuted. Whether or not they were refuted factually or not is beside the point. The viewers saw them refuted.

Why does America need a politician as President? Politicians are creatures who have been conditioned by a system to self preserve. They make decisions based on self preservation, not the country's best interest. America needs a leader. Someone they can trust. Leaders don't have all the answers, particularly specific answers to specific questions in a 90 second format.

Leaders assemble great people with specific skills around them. They encourage spirited debate among these great minds. They sort through the options and then based on core principles make decisions.

We need to quit expecting that any one person will have answers. Anyone who claims to be an expert on the economy, world relations, military exercises, NASA, etc...should scare the hell out of you! This person thinks they already have the answers and don't need others input!

We have a crappy choice this year. A sad statement from such a great country. These are the two best people we can find for the job? God Bless Us All....

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